ecoRI News — Long-Serving Member Resigns from R.I.’s Coastal Agency
Mar 10, 2023
By Frank Carini / ecoRI News Staff — PROVIDENCE — For years the board that oversees the Ocean State’s coastal regulations has been operating with vacancies, and last month it lost a long-serving member.
The Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC) is a 10-member board that has final say over most of the coastal agency’s decisions. CRMC executive director Jeff Willis actually reports to the council, as opposed to the governor, as most state government department heads traditionally do.
But the council hasn’t a full roster since 2019, and since the pandemic has regularly had two open vacancies. Council members are appointed by the governor, and must be confirmed by the Senate, but Gov. Dan McKee has delayed filling vacancies.
Earlier this year two empty spots became three. In January longtime council member Jerry Sahagian, who has served in some capacity on the body for more than two decades, submitted his resignation to the governor’s office. The Saunderstown resident, a real estate developer and liquor store owner, was most recently appointed and confirmed in early 2017 and was still serving despite his term having expired three years ago. State law allows council members to serve on an expired term until they are replaced.