Letter to the Editor — The town must protect our public access points

By Joseph and Sydney Gozzi — Narragansett, RI — To the Editor:

In response to reporter Phillip Cozzolino’s article published in the Narragansett Times on November 22, 2019, it is apparent that there are more questions than answers coming from this reporting. 

The demands of a group of surfers seeking convenient parking at public access points located in a Point Judith neighborhood has prompted several town council meetings, workshops, and surveys... all which conclude that the quiet, family neighborhood is simply too small to accommodate the onslaught of cars and vehicles  that accompany surfers accessing the public rights-of-way.

After the Narragansett Fire Department completed a survey last month, once again, due to public safety concerns the results clearly support the original no parking ordinance currently in place since the 1970’s.  Yet, time and time again town council members Jesse Pugh and Patrick Murray create, draft and propose ways in which the town can accommodate the demands of the surfing community.  These proposals completely ignore three well thought out public parking relief solutions located in close proximity to several access points. 


Projo — R.I. beach access case settled for $25,000, but underlying issue is still in the weeds


Narragansett Times — Town proposes resolution to shoreline parking issue