Save the Bay — Save the Bay, ACLU of Rhode Island, RISAA and Common Cause Rhode Island File “FRIEND OF THE COURT” Brief

Feb 1, 2022

PROVIDENCE, RI — Interceding in a case raising significant issues involving government transparency in environmental disputes, Save The Bay, the American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island, the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association and Foundation, and Common Cause Rhode Island today filed a “friend of the court” (amicus curiae) brief in the Rhode Island Supreme Court in a long-standing controversy involving the proposed expansion of Champlin’s Marina on Block Island.

The partnering organizations have filed the brief in support of the Attorney General and intervenors in the case, who are seeking to overturn a September 9, 2021 Superior Court decision. The court found that the mediation between Champlin’s and the Coastal Resources Management Council approving the expansion was “proper and conclusive.” However, the court made that finding even though other parties that had been involved in the litigation for years were not a part of the mediation. The brief claims the court disregarded compliance with various critical environmental regulations and standards, including those requiring public involvement.

“As an environmental advocacy organization with a longstanding history of watching over the agencies and activities that impact the health of Narragansett Bay, we are compelled, alongside our fellow amicito voice our objection to the settlement in order to ensure a fair and transparent process in the rulings that impact our natural resources,” said Save The Bay Executive Director, Jonathan Stone. “Without a public process and demonstration of compliance with coastal regulations, we will not know whether the CRMC is upholding its duty to protect our public trust resources.”


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