Press & News
Projo — RI couple's lawsuit challenges whether CRMC has say over homeowners' seawalls. Why it matters.
By Antonia Noori Farzan — A blanket ban on new seawalls and rock revetments along certain parts of the coastline means that homeowners have limited ability to defend their properties against erosion. A class action lawsuit seeks to overturn that policy, which would have major implications for Rhode Island's coastline.
ecoRI News — Walking Tour Illustrates the Difficulty in Accessing the Ocean State’s Public Shoreline
By Cynthia Drummond — … An issue that has elicited some of the strongest public engagement in Rhode Island in recent years, access to the shoreline in coastal towns, including Westerly, has been the subject of in-depth coverage by ecoRI News.
Projo — Shoreline access bill requires close attention (Op Ed)
Op Ed By Nathan Vinhaitero and Janet Freedman — … if the “shoreline” changes with each breaking wave, how do we draw a line in the sand for public access? Here’s what the science says on a very complex issue…
Projo — Where is it legal to walk on RI beaches? You might need to tread water, scientists say
By Alex Kuffner — What the two scientists are showing through precise satellite measurements is something that has long been known: that use of the mean high tide line in state law doesn’t give the public very much access at all to the shoreline.
CRMC — CRMC updates its Rights-of-Way online viewer
The revised mapping tool can be found on the CRMC website under Maps or
Projo — How much of RI’s shoreline is the public entitled to? Commission seeks clarity
By Antonia Noori Farzan — Three summers ago, Scott Keeley set out to make a point about his constitutional right to the shoreline, and collect some seaweed for his garden while he was at it.
Projo — Seaweed collector’s arrest revives age-old debate on R.I. beach access
Jul 11, 2019 — By Brian Amaral — When Charlestown resident Scott Keeley went to the beach on a sunny Sunday recently, he thought he had state law on his side: the Rhode Island Constitution says he’s allowed to collect seaweed along the shore…