Press & News
Maine Public Radio — Maine's nature-based shoreline rules face pushback
By Peter McGuire — A new state policy to encourage using biodegradable materials to prevent shoreline erosion is facing backlash from critics who say it risks damaging coastal properties.
Beacon — Opinion: We can’t let rich landowners kill public beach access
By Isabella Caprio — Private landowners are ending Maine’s tradition of public access to its beaches. Shorefront owners have harassed and called the police on people trying to make a living, conducting vital research, or simply taking a walk, even badgering children playing in the sand. If this hasn’t been you yet, it soon could be.
WGBH — Barriers at the Beach: State law and town rules keep most of Mass. shoreline off-limits
By Chris Burrell — Massachusetts should be a beach lover’s paradise, but access to the state’s shores is deeply uneven. Entry to most beaches is dependent on personal wealth, your home zip code and a shrinking allotment of “visitor” parking spaces clustered far from the water and a system of parking restrictions aimed at out-of-towners.
Boston Globe — Would R.I. lose lawsuits if it expanded shore access? Probably not, an expert says.
By Brian Amaral — Rhode Island lawmakers could actually redefine the rights of the “shore” further landward than the law does now, said Michael C. Blumm, professor at the Lewis & Clark Law School