Press & News

Cate Brown Cate Brown

Newport This Week — Opinion: Senators Should Pass Shoreline Access Bill

OPINION By Dennis Nixon and Thomas Gibson Jr — After decades of uncertainty, the General Assembly is on the cusp of reaffirming one of the oldest and most cherished Rhode Island constitutional rights: the “rights of fishery, and privileges of the shore,” which includes the right of access along the shore.

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Cate Brown Cate Brown

ecoRI News — Series of Bills Would Revamp Ocean State’s Coastal Management Agency

By Rob Smith — The calls for reforming the state’s coastal management agency are growing stronger in the General Assembly. Last week, members of the Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee heard a package of five bills to overhaul the Coastal Resources Management Council, the regulatory agency responsible for permitting offshore wind, aquaculture, and development along Rhode Island’s more than 400 miles of coastline.

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Cate Brown Cate Brown

Save the Bay — A 2023 Legislative Session Update

By Topher Hamblett — The Rhode Island General Assembly is in full swing, and considering important legislation that will impact Narragansett Bay. Save The Bay has been hard at work meeting with legislators, testifying at Committee hearings, joining and building coalitions to support good policies, and monitoring for bills that might do harm to the environment and the Bay.

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Cate Brown Cate Brown

Projo — Opinion/Stone: R.I. Supreme Court decision shows why CRMC needs reform

By Jonathan Stone OPINION — The R.I. Supreme Court’s rejection of the “settlement” between Champlin’s Marina and the Coastal Resources Management Council should serve as a wake-up call to all Rhode Islanders. The decision makes it clear that the agency’s structure is fundamentally flawed and in need of immediate correction by the governor and General Assembly. Rhode Island’s coastal environment and Rhode Islanders themselves deserve nothing less.

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Cate Brown Cate Brown

ecoRI News — Shoreline Study Commission Mulls Change to Lateral Beach Access

By Rob Smith — Rhode Island beachgoers could find themselves with extra room to enjoy the Ocean State’s shoreline next summer. The House special commission studying lateral shoreline access is winding down its work, and most of its members agree the boundary between public shore and private property needs to change.

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Cate Brown Cate Brown

The Public’s Radio — Summer is months away, but RI’s shoreline access debate has no off-season

By Alex Nunes — A special House commission set up last year to study the hot button topic in Rhode Island is moving into the homestretch on its work. The panel is tasked with making recommendations to state lawmakers on how to address longstanding and escalating conflicts between beachfront property owners and the public–conflicts that have only escalated during the pandemic. This week members of the commission began discussing exactly what they’ll say in their upcoming report.

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