Press & News
Projo — RI couple's lawsuit challenges whether CRMC has say over homeowners' seawalls. Why it matters.
By Antonia Noori Farzan — A blanket ban on new seawalls and rock revetments along certain parts of the coastline means that homeowners have limited ability to defend their properties against erosion. A class action lawsuit seeks to overturn that policy, which would have major implications for Rhode Island's coastline.
Progressive Charlestown — URI, R.I. Sea Grant, DEM, municipal partners invite public to take part in shoreline monitoring program
Barrington, South Kingstown, Westerly (but not Charlestown) are CoastSnap kickoff municipalities
Projo — Shoreline access bill requires close attention (Op Ed)
Op Ed By Nathan Vinhaitero and Janet Freedman — … if the “shoreline” changes with each breaking wave, how do we draw a line in the sand for public access? Here’s what the science says on a very complex issue…
Projo — Where is it legal to walk on RI beaches? You might need to tread water, scientists say
By Alex Kuffner — What the two scientists are showing through precise satellite measurements is something that has long been known: that use of the mean high tide line in state law doesn’t give the public very much access at all to the shoreline.
Projo — Coastal property owners dislike shoreline access bill. Will they sue to stop it?
By Antonia Noori Farzan — Is the General Assembly willing to throw its weight behind an idea with broad popular support, knowing that it's all but guaranteed to lead to lawsuits?
CRMC — CRMC updates its Rights-of-Way online viewer
The revised mapping tool can be found on the CRMC website under Maps or