The Public’s Radio — Narragansett Town Council approves free town beach access for Narragansett Indian Tribe members

Narragansett Town Beach. ALEX NUNES - THE PUBLIC'S RADIO

May 17, 2022

By Alex Nunes — The Narragansett Town Council has voted to waive walk-on fees to the town’s public beach for all members of the Narragansett Indian Tribe.

Councilors approved the fee waiver in a 3-to-2 vote after two hours of passionate public comment from members of the Narragansett Indian Tribe and their supporters, as well as property owners opposed to allowing free beach access to Rhode Island’s only federally recognized American Indian tribe. 

“This is our land. You are on native land,” Narragansett Indian Tribe First Councilman Cassius Spears, Jr. said at Monday night’s meeting. “Every day, every place you walk, you are on native land. Giving this one ability to walk onto the beach without a barrier of payment is the least you can do.”

Town Council President Jesse Pugh called the proposal “an opportunity to establish a new and healthy relationship with the Indian tribe, whose name the town bears.”

But a group of property owners urged town councilors to table their vote, citing concerns about potential costs and overcrowding, and requesting more study for the proposal. 

Speaker Nancy Lucivero questioned whether Pugh, who brought forward the proposal, was acting in the interest of town residents.

“This is not in the best interest for me,” Lucivero said. “And there's so many other people that feel the same. I take no issue with the Narragansett Indian Tribe. However, our town beach is crowded as is. We, as taxpayers, pay to enter the beach, and the beach is overwhelmed as it is.”


Projo — Narragansett Tribe will be able to walk onto Narragansett Town Beach for free this summer


VIDEO Narragansett Town Council — May 16, 2022 Meeting