WJAR — Jamestown-Newport Ferry future unclear as sides far from deal


Mar 7, 2023

By Cal Dymowski NBC 10 News — JAMESTOWN, RI — The future of the Jamestown-Newport Ferry is in choppy waters tonight, as ferry ownership and the Jamestown Town Council have yet to finalize a leasing agreement.

Discussions have been ongoing for months, as both sides have gone back and forth with proposals aimed at clearing up points of contention at East Ferry, like dock space, operations and public access to the dock area. That's been the historic location of the JNF.

Recently, talks have soured. Bill Munger, who owns Conanicut Marine Services, which oversees the ferry, says the Town Council called off negotiations last week.

"At this point in time, we're dead in the water," Munger told NBC 10 News. "If you end discussions, that effectively terminates the Jamestown-Newport Ferry operations from Jamestown."

Among the debate between the council and CMS is the ownership of the land.


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