VIRTUAL Charlestown Town Council Meeting
Agenda items include:
Consent Agenda I. — Appointment of Steven J. Williams to the Coastal Ponds Management Commission, Term to Expire in March of 2022.
Consent Agenda M. — Authorization of the Town Administrator to Notify the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management Acknowledging Charlestown Will Not be Accepting the DEM Grant in the Amount of $213,000 to Potentially Acquire 4.27 Acres, for Assessor’s Plat 5, Lot 95-5, Located on Oyster Drive, Owned by Sachem Passage Association N
Ordinances & Resolutions C. — Discussion and Potential Action Regarding the Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance #391, an Ordinance Amending Chapter 96 - Coastal Ponds and Mooring, to be Ordered Advertised for Public Hearing on July 12, 2021 at 7:00 P.M.
New Business A. — Discussion and Potential Action Regarding the Formation of an Ad-Hoc or Permanent Committee on Climate Change Mitigation and Resilience Pursuant to the Recommendation of the Budget Commission. the Proposed Ad Hoc or Permanent Committee to be Composed of 5-7 Members and Charged with Identifying and Addressing Current and Future Effects On, Beaches, Ponds, Town Infrastructure and Operations.
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Dial: 1-844-992-4726
Event ID: 132 077 3748
Event Password: ctown4540
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