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VIRTUAL Little Compton Beach Commission Meeting

VIRTUAL Little Compton Beach Commission Meeting


Agenda items:

  • Letter from Rosa Volpe pertaining to yoga at beach

  • Bills: Micah Shapiro, $8,730.00 for rebuilding existing changing rooms. Repair damaged walls, rebuild roof structure. Build and install all new doors, as discussed.

  • Discuss logistics of process of incoming/outgoing emails.

  • Discuss submission of potential Town Charter amendment for consideration by Charter Committee. Amendment would propose putting Beach Revenue into a restricted capital account for operating expenses, maintenance, repair, and improvement of Town Beaches. This would change the current practice of putting all revenue into the General Fund and requesting a budgetary figure at the Financial Town Meeting.

  • Review Nature Conservancy’s request to Coastal Resources Management Council to modify the Goosewing Breaching Assent permit and Nature Conservancy Management Plan

  • Discuss strategic plan for maintenance and repair improvements to Town Beaches.

  • Report from Beach Manager on all operations of the beach

  • All are welcome to any meetingin the Town which is open to the public. Individuals requiring communicationassistance or any other accommodation to ensure equal participation will needto contact the Town Clerk at 635-4400 not less than 48 hours prior to meeting.

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Enter the following:

Webinar ID: 874 2826 0548
Password: 560164
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888 788 0099 (Toll Free) or 833 548 0276 (Toll Free) or 833548 0282 (Toll Free) or 877 853 5247 (Toll Free)


Open Meetings Page:

June 15

COA Mackerel Cove After5 Cleanup 6/15

June 16

VIRTUAL Narragansett Coastal Access Improvement Committee Meeting