Take Action.


One of the easiest ways to preserve our right-of-ways is to continue to utilize them to access the shoreline!

Visit our Resources for maps and tools to plan your next visit, or simply discover new access points near you.

As you access the shoreline, please be respectful and mindful of any nearby private property. We do not endorse trespassing or vandalism in any way. Please help maintain and encourage a positive relationship between the public and private communities.


Public access can be quietly lost through unnoticed encroachments or unchallenged erosions of rights over time. Citizen monitoring is one of our greatest tools to help preserve and protect our access points for all.

If you have seen violations of a state ROW or coastal access law, please document and report infractions to CRMC, such as:

  • private home landscaping across a public access point

  • non-permitted “Private Beach” signage

  • fencing impeding lateral shoreline access

For violations at town ROWs without CRMC designations, please report to the appropriate board or council within the local municipality.


Civic engagement is the core principle of our mission. Much of what we can do to help preserve our coastal Right-of-Ways involves grassroots events at the local level. Check back for upcoming events or visit the Calendar.

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