ecoRI News — Special House Commission Appointed to Study CRMC

Aug 12, 2021

By ecoRI News Staff — Rhode Island Speaker of the House Joseph Shekarchi has appointed the 15 members to serve on a new commission to study the Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC).

Created by legislation (H6252) sponsored by Rep. Deborah Ruggiero, D-Jamestown, and approved by the House in late June, the commission is to comprehensively study and provide recommendations for the potential reorganization of the CRMC. It is expected to issue its findings and recommendations by April 1 of next year.

“The CRMC was formed by the General Assembly in 1972. A lot has happened over the past 50 years,” Ruggiero said. “I believe it’s time to review coastal management procedures, the composition and experience of the board, and identify opportunities to make the CRMC better for the future of Rhode Island and its residents.”

The CRMC is the state’s lead agency reviewing proposals for 21 coastal communities, and is charged with overseeing offshore wind projects, dredging, development, marinas and aquaculture and protecting Rhode Island’s coastline.


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