Press & News

Cate Brown Cate Brown

EastBayRI — CRMC orders public access to Nayatt seawall

By Josh Bickford — … a few months ago the owners of 85 Nayatt Road hired a security guard, installed alarms, and made it abundantly clear that their yard and the seawall were off-limits.

That decision has irritated neighbors, angered fishermen, and recently spurred an official cease and desist order from the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC). That order requires the property owners to allow public access along the riprap retaining wall.

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Cate Brown Cate Brown

Projo — Shoreline access: A fishing story (Op Ed)

Op Ed by Jake Lunsford, of Warren, father to four aspiring anglers — I love fishing stories. I see them as allegories for hope. Casting your lot into the unknown, you hope the tide will take you to some future…

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Cate Brown Cate Brown

Projo — Conservation and rescue calls feature RIMS work

Sep 15, 1977 — Coverage of RIMS (RI Mobile Sportfishermen) patrol unit who responded to small and large issues. James Ibbison is named in the article as the Beach Patrol Director. James Lyons, then the director of CRMC, speaks favorably of conservation and work projects conducted by RIMS and encourages all Rhode Island beach users to come and take part in their upcoming beach cleanup. Ibbison, Morris and others are arrested during that project.

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